Thursday, May 14, 2009

Week 5

Remember I was nearly ready to quit last week? Sometimes you just have to be patient. Because today I am down 3.2 pounds from Week 1 (4 pounds from last week!) a total of 2.66% lost! Maybe it sounds like nothing, but for me, I'm dancing.

Weight- 154.4
Waist 34.5 (-.75)
Hip 39 (n/c)
R Thigh 22.5 (n/c)
R Arm 11.5 (+.5)
Underbust 33
Bust 36.75 (+.75, feels like swelling)

Interesting measurements today. I know I'm approaching the PMS part of my cycle, which likely accounts for the increased bust size. Hubby won't be sad. I'm really excited to see that the weight is coming off my waist. I'm going to have to target the hip/belly pouch next, since that is always a stubborn area.

Anyhow, I'd just like to say: YAHOO ME!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome progress!!! Keep up the good work. I know how it feels when you want to give up but don't! I made that mistake months ago. I was down to 173 and the scale wouldn't move from that number so I got frustrated gave up and ended up heavier than I've ever been in my life! But I'm back on track now and down 10 pounds!
